The lower body lift operation, also termed "belt lipectomy," is a procedure to correct sagging of the abdomen, buttocks, groin, and outer thighs. This operation removes excess skin and fat resulting from extreme weight loss. The operation involves a circumferential incision around the lower body.
Although some patients are able to lose massive amounts of weight through diet and exercise, often patients have undergone a gastric bypass or gastric banding procedure. After massive weight loss patients are often left with an abundance of loose skin in the abdomen, back, buttocks, groin, and thighs. Patients should achieve their goal weight and remain at a stable weight for 6 months prior to undergoing this operation.
This operation, performed under a general anesthetic, requires a circumferential incision made around the body, both the lower abdomen and lower back. Dr. Cooper will remove excess skin and fat to reposition tissues and improve the abdominal, buttock, and lateral thigh contour. Deep absorbable sutures will be placed to hold remaining tissue in position. Additionally, drainage tubes will be left as well to prevent fluid accumulation. The operation takes approximately 5 hours.
A lower body lift is a major operation and requires significant recovery time. Patients are encouraged to walk soon after the operation, remain on light activity for two weeks, and may return to work 4-5 weeks after the operation. Results will be immediately visible and will improve with time as swelling decreases.
Although complications are uncommon, they include infections, bleeding, fluid collections, over vs. under-correction, delayed healing, and even rarer still, blood clots in the legs or lungs. Dr. Cooper will review all the risks and benefits with you prior to your procedure and discuss the ways that these risks can be minimized.
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