Joshua Cooper, MD, FACS

I Am Interested in Having a Thigh Lift Procedure. I received a quote from a plastic surgeon that performed by tummy tuck, but the thigh lift quote seems quite high. Should I consider having this operation out of the country to save on cost?

Dr. Cooper

I Am Interested in Having a Thigh Lift Procedure. I received a quote from a plastic surgeon that performed by tummy tuck, but the thigh lift quote seems quite high. Should I consider having this operation out of the country to save on cost?

  • If you trust your plastic surgeon and you are happy with the results from your prior procedure(s), I would give stong consideration to undergoing the thigh lift with him. 
  • However, you may always get second opinions from other plastic surgeons, and you may find a price that is more affordable, either here in the U.S. or abroad. 
  • I would caution you to make sure that whomever you ultimately choose to perform your operation has a good reputation and has experience with the operation. 
  • Also, with thigh lifts, drains are almost always left in place to prevent seromas, so it is important that you remain in the vicinity of whereever the operation is performed so that your surgeon may manage these drains, and address any possible complications that might arise. 
  • Best of luck to you!


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